
Learning to code, teaching to cook.

Hi, I’m Adrienne. You might know me as the “Coding Chef“. After a long career cooking for others, I switched gears and started learning to code four years ago.

I started this blog to document that learning journey, passing along a tip, trick, or recipe with each post.

These days, I’m a speaker and professional software engineer with an interest in documentation systems and a deep love of people. And yes, I still cook!

Currently, I work at Juice Analytics as Director of Engineering. I’m also the Director of Advancement for the Django Software Foundation, the non-profit board backing Django. I am a tech editor of the 2nd edition of O’Reilly Media’s “Head First Python”. In a past life, I managed corporate sponsorship for Read the Docs‘ Write the Docs conferences, coordinated PyLadiesATL, and ran the “Your Django Story” interview series for the Django Girls blog.

Listen to my interview with Saron Yitbarek, “Coding Chef”, on CodeNewbies.

Stay in touch on Twitter.

A few of my favorite things

Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Lodge Cast Iron Cookware

MAC Knives

Zingerman’s bread and business philosophy

The Flavor Bible

Vegetables from Amaranth to Zucchini

Postcrossing: Postcards connecting the world

One thought on “About

  1. Hi Adrienne! My name is Rainu, and I met you very briefly at PyTN. Your story about learning to code was very compelling, and I very much enjoyed your keynote. I am the one of the lead co-organizers for the Girl Geek Dinner here in Nashville, and I wanted to see if we might be able to connect and have coffee around town one day. Let me know 🙂

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